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HBA1C 11.6% - What it means, average sugar level, diet and exercise

An Hba1c value of 11.6% probably means that you are diabetic. Additional testing is usually required before a confirmatory diagnosis can be made. This article tells you what your average sugar value is, and how to incorporate diet and exercise in your lifestyle to improve your sugar control.
Updated Date : 2023-06-14T00:44:02.925+00:00

Does an HBA1C level of 11.6 confirm diabetes?

A diagnosis of diabetes can only be done if two seperate values of HBA1C are above 6.4%. A combination of a glucose tolerance test and an hba1c are usually done to confirm diabetes. Read the section on diagnosis of diabetes at the bottom of this page for more information.. With your hba1c level of 11.6, you should consult a diabetologist immediately as your HBA1C is already high, and you may suffer from complications of diabetes. An hba1c of 11.6 % is almost certainly confirmatory of diabetes. Talk to your lab about factors leading to false elevations of HBA1C, and consult your doctor before taking further action.

What is my average sugar value with an HBA1C of 11.6% ?

Based on the formula used to convert HBA1C to 3 month average glucose levels, your estimated average glucose is 286.2 mg/dl. Please note that this is an approximate value.

What are the symptoms of an HBA1C of 11.6% ?

Diabetes is associated with a wide variety of sympotms. With an HBA1C value of 11.6 %, you may find some of these symptoms : Stomach cramps,Nausea,Sweet, fruity breath,Vomiting,Labored breathing

Can exercise help lower an HBA1C value of 11.6% ?

HBA1C levels can be improved to a great extent by following a regular and consistent exercise plan. Exercise helps in various ways, by reducing insulin resistance, improving uptake of glucose by muscles and also helps loose weight. The following are some types of exercise that you can do on a weekly basis. Remember that the American Diabetes association recommends a minimum of 150 minutes of exercise a week for diabetics.

Aerobic Exercise Plan for HBA1C 11.6%

Given that your HBA1C is high, and your sugar levels are probably above 250 mg/dl, you should not indulge in exercise, without clear medical advice, and the presence of an attendent or relative. If you are on insulin, you should have a supply of quick acting glucose drinks/candy bars with you. The table below outlines an exercise plan, considering that you adhere to your doctor's advice on insulin, glucose and special precautions.

Monday Jogging (moderate intensity) - 30 minutes
Tuesday Aquatic activities (vigorous intensity) - 45 minutes
Wednesday Rest day
Thursday Cycling (moderate intensity) - 60 minutes
Friday Rest day
Saturday Walking (vigorous intensity) - 60 minutes
Sunday Interval training (moderate intensity) - 40 minutes

Resistance Exercise Plan for HBA1C 11.6%

Given that your HBA1C is high, and your sugar levels are probably above 250 mg/dl, you should not indulge in exercise, without clear medical advice, and the presence of an attendent or relative. If you are on insulin, you should have a supply of quick acting glucose drinks/candy bars with you. The table below outlines an exercise plan, considering that you adhere to your doctor's advice on insulin, glucose and special precautions.

Monday Squats,Chest press,Lat pulldown,Shoulder press,Tricep dips
Tuesday Rest day
Wednesday Lunges,Bicep curls,Seated row,Leg press,Plank
Thursday Rest day
Friday Deadlifts,Push-ups,Pull-ups,Overhead press,Tricep pushdowns
Saturday Rest day
Sunday Rest day

Balance Exercise Plan for HBA1C 11.6%

Given that your HBA1C is high, and your sugar levels are probably above 250 mg/dl, you should not indulge in exercise, without clear medical advice, and the presence of an attendent or relative. If you are on insulin, you should have a supply of quick acting glucose drinks/candy bars with you. The table below outlines an exercise plan, considering that you adhere to your doctor's advice on insulin, glucose and special precautions.

Monday Balance exercises
Tuesday Lower body resistance exercises
Wednesday Core resistance exercises
Thursday Yoga
Friday Tai chi
Saturday Rest
Sunday Rest

Stretching Exercise Plan for HBA1C 11.6%

Given that your HBA1C is high, and your sugar levels are probably above 250 mg/dl, you should not indulge in exercise, without clear medical advice, and the presence of an attendent or relative. If you are on insulin, you should have a supply of quick acting glucose drinks/candy bars with you. The table below outlines an exercise plan, considering that you adhere to your doctor's advice on insulin, glucose and special precautions.

Monday Balance exercises
Tuesday Yoga
Wednesday Tai chi
Thursday Static stretching
Friday Dynamic stretching
Saturday Rest
Sunday PNF stretching

What kind of meal plans or foods can I eat with an HBA1C of 11.6%?

Low glycemic index foods, combined with a good exercise regimen can help control your sugar. Here we have suggested some meal plans, one each for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They include foods recommeded in diabetes.

Breakfast meal plan for HBA1C 11.6 %

breakfast Steel-cut oatmeal topped with ground flax seeds, chopped walnuts, and fresh berries. Serve with a side of scrambled egg whites.

Lunch meal plan for HBA1C 11.6 %

lunch Quinoa salad with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, feta cheese, and a lemon vinaigrette dressing. Include a side of grilled shrimp or chicken.

Dinner meal plan for HBA1C 11.6 %

dinner Turkey meatballs served with whole grain spaghetti and marinara sauce. Include a side of steamed green beans and a small side salad.

What medications should I take for an HBA1C of 11.6%?

Medication should only be started after consulting a registered medical practioner and diabetlogist. Medications to be given vary with the level of HBA1C. For your HBA1C of 11.6%, the following strategy is to be considered: Combination oral hypoglycemic medication like Biguaides + DPP4 inhibitors or Sulfonylureas or Glinides. This is usually combined with insulin. Both basal and prandial insulin may need to be used.

What complications can arise with a HBA1C value of 11.6%?

Diabetes is associated with many complications, especially on other organs of the body. Here are a few complications that may arise with long standing diabetes : Heart diseases , kidney diseases, injuries to feet and toes, eye diseases of the retina, urinary tract infections etc.
You are also risk of a complication of diabetes called diabetic ketoacidosis. In this condition, the body is unable to metabolize sugar and begins to breakdown its own proteins to use in place of sugar. This leads to elevated levels of ketones in the blood and urine. This is a medical emergency and you should consult a doctor immediately.

Diagnostic Criteria for Diabetes

There are 3 tests that are used for the diagnosis of diabetes. These include Fasting Blood Glucose, Glucose Tolerance Test and the HBA1C test. Guidelines from the American Diabetes Association recommend that a patient should be tested on two seperate days. If possible 2 different tests should be carried, instead of repeating the same test.

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test

In this test you need to be fasting for a period of at least 8 hours. A single blood sample is drawn. After this, you are given 75gm of glucose solution to drink. 2 hours later another sample is taken. The following table lists out the diagnostic criteria based on the results. Given your HBA1C value of 11.6 %, and an estimated estimated_average_glucose of 286.2 mg/dl, you should probably have a value above 200 on this test.

2 hour Glucose Value Diagnosis
Less than 140 Normal
140 to 200 Prediabetes
More than 200 Diabetes

Fasting Blood Glucose

The value of your sugar after an overnight fast of 8 hours is called fasting blood glucose. A value above 126 mg/dl is indicative of diabetes.

HBA1C test

A value above 6.4% is indicative of diabetes.

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Dr.Bhargav Raut is a qualified Pathologist, with over 5 years of experience in the field
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