Female Cancer Screening Tests - Detecting Cancers in Women

  • What are common cancers in women?

    Cancers in Women refer to various types of cancer that specifically affect women, such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, and uterine cancer.

  • How are Cancers in Women diagnosed?

    Cancers in Women are diagnosed through a combination of tests, including blood tests, imaging tests (like mammograms and ultrasounds), and biopsies.

  • When should testing be done for Cancers in Women?

    Testing for Cancers in Women should be done if you experience symptoms like breast lumps, abnormal bleeding, pelvic pain, or if you have a family history of cancer. Regular screening tests like mammograms and Pap smears are also recommended based on age and risk factors.

  • How are Cancers in Women treated?

    Treatment for Cancers in Women depends on the type and stage of cancer. It may involve surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, or targeted therapy.

Do this panel of tests if you have any of the following symptoms :

  • Breast lump or mass

    Feeling a lump or mass in the breast area

  • Unexplained weight loss

    Losing weight without trying or without any known reason

  • Persistent fatigue

    Feeling tired and lacking energy for an extended period of time

  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding

    Experiencing unusual or irregular bleeding from the vagina

  • Change in bowel or urinary habits

    Noticing changes in bowel movements or urination patterns

List of tests included in the Female cancer screening test

Name How It Helps
AFP-Alpha Feto Protein
Contains 1 tests including : AFP-Alpha Feto Protein
  1. Can be elevated in liver cancer
CEA-Carcino Embryonic Antigen
Contains 1 tests including : CEA-Carcino Embryonic Antigen
  1. Checks for ovarian cancer, and colorectal cancers
Contains 1 tests including : CA-19.9
  1. Checks for pancreatic cancers
Contains 1 tests including : CA-15.3
  1. Useful for monitoring breast cancer
Complete Blood Count with Peripheral Smear
Contains 22 tests including : Hemoglobin,Total RBC Count,Hematocrit,Mean Corpuscular Volume,Mean Corpuscular Hb,Mean Corpuscular Hb Concentration
  1. Can detect late stage blood cancers
  2. Helps identify abnormalities in red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets
Stool Routine (Chemistry & Microscopy)
Contains 16 tests including : Pus Cells Total,Red Blood Cells,Epithelial Cells,Macrophages,Ova,Cyst
  1. Screens for colon cancer by checking for fecal occult blood or blood in stools.
Urine Routine (Chemistry & Microscopy : 12 ml )
Contains 21 tests including : Pus Cells,Red Blood Cell,Squamous Epithelial Cells,Transitional Epithelial Cell Count,Renal Tubular Epithelial Cell Count,Casts
  1. Detects any urinary tract infections or abnormalities
  2. Checks for bladder cancer
Contains 1 tests including : Calcitonin
  1. Checks for abnormal levels of calcitonin, which may indicate certain thyroid conditions
Beta HCG
Contains 1 tests including : Beta HCG
  1. Can be elevated in endometrial cancer - a cancer of the uterus.

List of Eligibility Criteria for the Cancer Test Screening for Women

  • Women with family history of cancer

    If a first-degree relative suffered from cancer of breast or ovaries or uterus, then you should get regularly screened.

  • Symptoms related to cancer

    You have one or more of the symptoms suggestive of cancers like breast lump, pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding, weight loss, fatigue.

  • You have not already had cancer

    Women who have already had cancer, and have recovered, may show higher than normal values of some of these tests, and so are not ideal candidates for this test

  • Smoking and Alcohol

    Heavy smokers and drinkers of alcohol should get tested


  • What is the cost of Female Cancer Detection Profile Test in Pune?

    The cost of Cancer Screening Female Test in Pune is Rs. 6700, at Pathofast Lab.

  • What type of sample is necessary for Female Cancer Profile?

    Full body cancer test female needs Blood Sample,Stool Sample and Urine Sample

  • In how much time will the reports be ready for Cancer Test Screening for Women?

    All the Blood Tests for Cancer Women reports will be ready after 1 days.

  • What are the normal ranges for different tests in the Female Cancer Test?

    Please refer to the table of Normal Ranges below.

  • Is home sample collection available for Female cancer screening test?

    Yes, home sample collection is available for Female Cancer Detection Profile Test various areas of Pune.

How to prepare for the Early Cancer Detection Test?

Before getting these tests, you should be aware of important pre-test guidelines. These include whether or not to fast, which medicines you can take and what foods to avoid.

The following table illustrates important preparation guidelines for the Female cancer screening test

Table of preparation guidelines and pre-test information for Female Cancer Detection Profile Test

Precautions Details
At what time should the test be done? The test can be done at any time of the day.
Can I eat before the test? Yes, you can eat anything you like before the test. Fasting is not necessary for this test.
Which medicines can affect the test results? The test results may be affected by medicines like vitamin c. If you are taking these medications, please inform the lab.
Which foods can affect the test results? The test results may be affected by foods like beetroots. If you have eaten any of these foods, please inform the lab
Other instructions to be followed before the test? ensure proper hygiene and cleanliness while collecting the urine sample.

List of normal ranges of the tests in Cancer Test Screening for Women?

The following list shows the normal ranges of the different tests included in Blood Tests for Cancer Women.

  • AFP-Alpha Feto Protein

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • CEA-Carcino Embryonic Antigen

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • CA-19.9

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • CA-15.3

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Complete Blood Count with Peripheral Smear

    • Men :
      • Hemoglobin:13-16
      • White Cells:4000-11000
      • Platelets:150000-450000
    • Women :
      • Hemoglobin:12-15
      • White Cells:4000-11000
      • Platelets:150000-450000

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Stool Routine (Chemistry & Microscopy)

    • White Blood Cells:1-3
    • Fecal Occult Blood:Absent
    • Sugar:Absent

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Urine Routine (Chemistry & Microscopy : 12 ml )

    • White Blood Cells:0-4
    • Red Cells:0-4
    • Leucocyte Esterase:Absent

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Calcitonin

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Beta HCG

    • Men : 0.0-2.5
    • Women : 0.0-5.0

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

How long do the reports take for Female Cancer Test?

All the Early Cancer Detection Test reports will be ready after 1 days..

The table below lists the time taken by individual reports in the Female cancer screening test

Table of time taken by different tests in the Female Cancer Detection Profile Test

Report Name How Long It Takes
AFP-Alpha Feto Protein 1 days
CEA-Carcino Embryonic Antigen 1 days
CA-19.9 1 days
CA-15.3 1 days
Complete Blood Count with Peripheral Smear 1 days
Stool Routine (Chemistry & Microscopy) 1 days
Urine Routine (Chemistry & Microscopy : 12 ml ) 1 days
Calcitonin 1 days
Beta HCG 1 days

Frequently Asked Questions

This cancer blood test for women, tries to screen for most of the common cancers. It is not diagnostic, but can help raise suspicion. The best test for all cancers, is the PET scan. It is a complete body scan, which may show suspicious areas for cancer. However it is an invasive test and not done as the first line assay. It is also not very useful for blood cancers.

There is no single blood test for all cancers

Blood tests are not used in isolation to detect cancers. These tests in our package help for screening. That means, that an elevated value should warrant further inspection, and does not directly mean that you have cancer.

A high value does not mean that you have cancer. Infact, it means that you should get further investigated to rule out cancer.

No, even if all the tests are normal, it does not rule out cancer. If you have any symptoms or a strong family history, you should get further tests done

The AFP-Alpha Feto Protein Test is used to screen for certain types of cancer, including liver cancer.

The Carcino Embryonic Antigen-CEA Test may show elevated values in ovarian cancer, breast or even lung cancers.

The Cancer Marker CA -19 9 Test is used to detect and monitor certain types of cancer, such as pancreatic cancer and ovarian cancer.

The Cancer Marker - CA 15-3 Test is used to detect and monitor breast cancer.

The CBC-Complete Blood Count helps to detect blood cancers or leukaemias.

The fecal occult blood test, will be a strong indication of colon cancer. This is checked in your stool exam.

Bladder cancer, can show increased amounts of blood in the urine. There will also be other signs seen on microscopy. This will be detected in the urine test.

The Calcitonin Test is used to detect and monitor medullary thyroid cancer.

The beta-HCG test has a weak correlation with endometrial cancers.

Why Choose Pathofast for Female Cancer Screening Tests

Pathofast Lab in Pune, is the best lab in Pune for accurate and reliable blood tests. Our lab is located conveniently in the center of Pune and we also offer home sample collection for the Female Cancer Screening Tests in various areas of Pune.

You can be assured of quality service and timely and accurate reports

Home Sample Collection is Available for Female Cancer Screening Tests at the following locations in Pune :

  • Jangli Maharaj Nagar
  • Ravet
  • Viman Nagar
  • Shastrinagar, Yerawada
  • NIBM Undri Road, Kondhwa
  • Camp
  • Aundh
  • Baner
  • Dattwadi
  • Undri
  • Pimpri-Chinchwad
  • Kalyani Nagar
  • Koregaon Park
  • Sadashiv Peth