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Home Test Catalog CBC-Complete Blood Count
  • CBC Test in Pune
CBC-Complete Blood Count in Pune: Price, Symptoms, Normal Range

CBC-Complete Blood Count in Pune

Price, Symptoms, Normal Range

CBC is a blood test that measures the number of different types of cells in your blood and provides information about your overall health. It costs Rs.300.0 and includes 22 tests.

Book CBC-Complete Blood Count Online in Pune @ Pathofast Lab

To Prepare for this test:

  • This test can be performed at anytime and no special preparations are required for this test.

Updated At : 2023-11-11T19:24:52.441+05:30

4 Key Points

  • What does CBC stand for ?

  • CBC stands for Complete Blood Count and measures various things like hemoglobin, white cell count, platelets
  • It also measures the different types of white cells like neutrophils which fight infections and eosinophils which fight allergies
  • How long does CBC test take?

  • CBC test takes only 15 minutes after the sample reaches the lab
  • Is malaria also checked in CBC test?

  • Yes, we also check for the presence of malaria while doing the CBC test
  • What is CBC normal range?

  • Normal ranges of CBC are : Hemoglobin - 12 to 15 g/dl, Total WBC Count - 4,000 to 11,000 /cumm, Total RBC Count - 3 to 5 lacs /cumm, Total platelet count - 1.5 to 4.5 lacs / cumm
  • Normal ranges of CBC for Differential White blood cells are - Eosinophils - 1% to 6%, Basophils - 0.3 to 2%, Lymphocytes - 14.1% - 45.8%, Neutrophils - 42.9% to 78.4%.

What is CBC-Complete Blood Count

CBC (Complete Blood Count) is a common blood test that gives important information about the types and numbers of cells in the blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. It is performed by taking a small sample of blood from a vein in the arm and analyzing it using automated machines that count and measure the cells in the blood. CBC is a useful tool for detecting and monitoring a wide range of medical conditions, including infections, anemia, and blood cancers.

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Do I need this test?

Let's find out whether you need the CBC-Complete Blood Count test. Answer the following 5 questions and get a free instant result!

Have you been experiencing any shortness of breath, fatigue or dizziness
Have you been experiencing any shortness of breath, fatigue or dizziness

Have you been having any unusual bruising, bleeding or frequent nosebleeds
Have you been having any unusual bruising, bleeding or frequent nosebleeds

Are you experiencing any pain in your chest, abdomen or joints
Are you experiencing any pain in your chest, abdomen or joints

Are you currently taking any medication or supplements
Are you currently taking any medication or supplements

Have you recently had any vaccinations or blood transfusions
Have you recently had any vaccinations or blood transfusions

Result :

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Which symptoms are related to CBC-Complete Blood Count?

If you have Fatigue, you may need to get tested.

Here is the complete list of symptoms

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Who should do this test?

Routine health check-ups,Individuals with a history of blood disorders,Individuals with chronic illnesses should do this test

  • Routine health check-ups: CBC is a standard part of a routine health check-up and can help identify underlying health conditions that may not have any noticeable symptoms.
  • Individuals with a history of blood disorders: People who have a history of blood disorders such as anemia, leukemia, or lymphoma may require regular CBC tests to monitor their blood counts and ensure that their treatment is effective.
  • Individuals with chronic illnesses: People with chronic illnesses such as kidney disease or liver disease may require regular CBC tests to monitor their blood counts and assess how their condition is affecting their overall health.

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What to do if the test is abnormal?

  • Consult with a healthcare provider: If a persons CBC results come back abnormal, the first step is to consult with a healthcare provider. This could be a primary care physician, a hematologist, or another specialist, depending on the specific abnormality and the persons medical history.
  • Get further testing: In order to determine the cause of the abnormal CBC results, further testing may be necessary. This could include additional blood tests, imaging tests, or a bone marrow biopsy.
  • Follow recommended treatment: Depending on the cause of the abnormal CBC results, treatment may be necessary. This could include medications, lifestyle changes, or other interventions to address the underlying condition. Its important to follow the recommended treatment plan in order to improve the CBC results and overall health.

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In which diseases is CBC-Complete Blood Count abnormal?

Iron deficiency
Sickle cell anemia
Autoimmune disorders
Myelodysplastic syndromes

CBC-Complete Blood Count Normal Range - Age Wise

CBC-Complete Blood Count Normal Ranges in Males | CBC-Complete Blood Count Normal Ranges in Men
Test Name Age Normal Range
Abs Basophil Count Test >= 0 years 0.0-0.1
Abs Eosinophil Count Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 0.1-0.4
>= 4 days upto 8 days 0.1-0.4
>= 8 days upto 15 days 0.1-0.4
>= 15 days upto 31 days 0.1-0.5
>= 31 days upto 61 days 0.1-0.4
>= 61 days upto 181 days 0.0-0.4
>= 181 days upto 2 years 0.0-0.3
>= 2 years upto 18 years 0.0-0.2
>= 18 years 0.0-0.4
Abs Lymphocyte Count Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 1.8-3.6
>= 4 days upto 8 days 1.5-4.1
>= 8 days upto 15 days 1.4-3.9
>= 15 days upto 31 days 1.7-5.2
>= 31 days upto 61 days 2.2-5.6
>= 61 days upto 181 days 2.3-5.4
>= 181 days upto 2 years 2.3-5.5
>= 2 years upto 6 years 1.3-3.5
>= 6 years upto 12 years 1.2-2.7
>= 12 years upto 18 years 1.0-2.2
>= 18 years upto 55 years 1.1-3.3
>= 55 years 1.1-3.3
Abs Monocyte Count Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 0.2-1.8
>= 4 days upto 8 days 0.2-2.2
>= 8 days upto 15 days 0.3-3.0
>= 15 days upto 31 days 0.2-3.5
>= 31 days upto 61 days 0.3-2.7
>= 61 days upto 181 days 0.5-1.9
>= 181 days upto 2 years 0.4-2.0
>= 2 years upto 6 years 0.3-1.2
>= 6 years upto 12 years 0.3-0.9
>= 12 years upto 18 years 0.4-1.3
>= 18 years 0.2-0.8
Abs Neutrophil Count Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 4.3-9.1
>= 4 days upto 8 days 3.3-6.6
>= 8 days upto 15 days 3.7-8.4
>= 15 days upto 31 days 3.5-9.4
>= 31 days upto 61 days 2.2-6.4
>= 61 days upto 181 days 2.6-7.5
>= 181 days upto 2 years 2.5-6.4
>= 2 years upto 6 years 2.5-6.0
>= 6 years upto 12 years 2.8-6.3
>= 12 years upto 18 years 2.7-6.7
>= 18 years 2.0-6.7
Basophils Test >= 0 years upto 18 years 0.0-1.0
>= 18 years 0.3-1.3
Eosinophils Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 2.0-6.0
>= 4 days upto 8 days 2.0-6.0
>= 8 days upto 15 days 2.0-5.0
>= 15 days upto 31 days 2.0-7.0
>= 31 days upto 61 days 2.0-5.0
>= 61 days upto 181 days 2.0-6.0
>= 181 days upto 2 years 1.0-5.0
>= 2 years upto 6 years 1.0-4.0
>= 6 years upto 12 years 2.0-4.0
>= 12 years upto 18 years 2.0-4.0
>= 18 years 0.3-6.2
HCT Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 36.4-47.4
>= 4 days upto 8 days 35.9-46.6
>= 8 days upto 15 days 34.4-45.4
>= 15 days upto 31 days 33.6-41.0
>= 31 days upto 61 days 29.1-36.6
>= 61 days upto 181 days 30.5-37.7
>= 181 days upto 2 years 30.5-36.4
>= 2 years upto 6 years 31.5-36.8
>= 6 years upto 12 years 31.5-38.0
>= 12 years upto 18 years 31.4-41.0
>= 18 years 38.9-50.9
Hb Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 12.5-16.6
>= 4 days upto 8 days 12.5-16.3
>= 8 days upto 15 days 11.9-15.7
>= 15 days upto 31 days 11.6-14.2
>= 31 days upto 61 days 10.2-12.7
>= 61 days upto 181 days 10.5-13.0
>= 181 days upto 2 years 10.4-12.5
>= 2 years upto 6 years 11.1-12.8
>= 6 years upto 12 years 11.0-13.3
>= 12 years upto 15 years 11.0-14.3
>= 15 years 13.0-16.0
Lymphocytes Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 14.0-41.0
>= 4 days upto 8 days 14.0-46.0
>= 8 days upto 15 days 9.0-47.0
>= 15 days upto 31 days 9.0-56.0
>= 31 days upto 61 days 12.0-68.0
>= 61 days upto 181 days 16.0-68.0
>= 181 days upto 2 years 15.0-67.0
>= 2 years upto 6 years 11.0-54.0
>= 6 years upto 12 years 8.0-45.0
>= 12 years upto 18 years 8.0-41.0
>= 18 years 14.1-45.8
Mean Corpuscular Hb Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 32.8-36.4
>= 4 days upto 8 days 30.9-33.4
>= 8 days upto 15 days 30.4-33.0
>= 15 days upto 31 days 30.6-32.6
>= 31 days upto 61 days 30.0-32.0
>= 61 days upto 181 days 27.6-29.9
>= 181 days upto 2 years 26.0-29.0
>= 2 years upto 6 years 26.8-29.4
>= 6 years upto 12 years 27.5-29.7
>= 12 years upto 18 years 28.2-30.5
>= 18 years 27.1-32.5
Mean Corpuscular Hb Concentration Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 34.0-35.3
>= 4 days upto 8 days 34.3-35.7
>= 8 days upto 15 days 34.0-35.6
>= 15 days upto 31 days 33.9-35.3
>= 31 days upto 61 days 34.0-35.5
>= 61 days upto 181 days 33.9-35.4
>= 181 days upto 2 years 33.6-35.2
>= 2 years upto 6 years 34.2-35.7
>= 6 years upto 12 years 34.4-35.8
>= 12 years upto 18 years 34.2-35.6
>= 18 years 32.5-36.7
Mean Corpuscular Volume Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 94.0-106.3
>= 4 days upto 8 days 87.1-96.5
>= 8 days upto 15 days 87.1-94.8
>= 15 days upto 31 days 88.0-95.2
>= 31 days upto 61 days 86.5-92.1
>= 61 days upto 181 days 79.6-86.3
>= 181 days upto 2 years 75.6-83.1
>= 2 years upto 6 years 76.8-83.3
>= 6 years upto 12 years 78.2-83.9
>= 12 years upto 18 years 80.8-86.6
>= 18 years 81.2-94.0
Mean Platelet Volume Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 7.8-8.5
>= 4 days upto 8 days 8.0-8.9
>= 8 days upto 15 days 8.1-9.1
>= 15 days upto 31 days 8.0-9.3
>= 31 days upto 61 days 7.8-8.9
>= 61 days upto 181 days 7.5-8.3
>= 181 days upto 2 years 7.3-8.1
>= 2 years upto 6 years 7.2-7.9
>= 6 years upto 12 years 7.4-8.1
>= 12 years upto 18 years 7.5-8.3
>= 18 years 7.5-12.0
Monocytes Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 4.0-13.0
>= 4 days upto 8 days 7.0-17.0
>= 8 days upto 15 days 7.0-18.0
>= 15 days upto 31 days 6.0-18.0
>= 31 days upto 61 days 6.0-17.0
>= 61 days upto 181 days 4.0-11.0
>= 181 days upto 2 years 4.0-10.0
>= 2 years upto 6 years 4.0-9.0
>= 6 years upto 12 years 4.0-8.0
>= 12 years upto 18 years 4.0-8.0
>= 18 years 3.3-11.0
Neutrophils Test >= 0 years upto 15 days 24.1-47.1
>= 15 days upto 31 days 18.4-32.4
>= 31 days upto 61 days 14.6-40.9
>= 61 days upto 181 days 17.0-55.5
>= 181 days upto 2 years 22.7-69.2
>= 2 years upto 6 years 31.7-75.4
>= 6 years upto 12 years 38.8-76.7
>= 12 years upto 18 years 43.2-76.7
>= 18 years 42.9-78.4
Other Findings Test >= 0 years None
Parasites Test >= 0 years Absent
Erythrocyte Distribution Width >= 0 years upto 4 days 16.3-18.2
>= 4 days upto 8 days 15.0-17.6
>= 8 days upto 15 days 14.9-16.3
>= 15 days upto 31 days 14.6-16.4
>= 31 days upto 61 days 14.7-16.2
>= 61 days upto 181 days 13.5-15.3
>= 181 days upto 2 years 13.6-15.5
>= 2 years upto 6 years 13.2-14.5
>= 6 years upto 12 years 13.0-14.2
>= 12 years upto 18 years 13.0-14.6
>= 18 years 11.5-14.1
Total Platelet Count Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 140000.0-238000.0
>= 4 days upto 8 days 129000.0-271000.0
>= 8 days upto 15 days 120000.0-297000.0
>= 15 days upto 31 days 157000.0-406000.0
>= 31 days upto 61 days 221000.0-471000.0
>= 61 days upto 181 days 215000.0-448000.0
>= 181 days upto 2 years 185000.0-399000.0
>= 2 years upto 6 years 211000.0-370000.0
>= 6 years upto 12 years 227000.0-350000.0
>= 12 years upto 18 years 180000.0-299000.0
>= 18 years 179000.0-373000.0
Total RBC Count Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 3.69-4.75
>= 4 days upto 8 days 3.98-5.08
>= 8 days upto 15 days 3.75-4.93
>= 15 days upto 31 days 3.61-4.46
>= 31 days upto 61 days 3.24-4.08
>= 61 days upto 181 days 3.67-4.61
>= 181 days upto 2 years 3.81-4.74
>= 2 years upto 6 years 3.92-4.72
>= 6 years upto 12 years 3.85-4.75
>= 12 years upto 18 years 3.74-4.93
>= 18 years 4.54-5.78
Total WBC Count Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 7700.0-13100.0
>= 4 days upto 8 days 6500.0-12300.0
>= 8 days upto 15 days 7700.0-14000.0
>= 15 days upto 31 days 8900.0-16700.0
>= 31 days upto 61 days 8400.0-13700.0
>= 61 days upto 181 days 7900.0-13400.0
>= 181 days upto 2 years 7700.0-13100.0
>= 2 years upto 6 years 6000.0-10500.0
>= 6 years upto 12 years 5700.0-9900.0
>= 12 years upto 18 years 5200.0-9700.0
>= 18 years 3700.0-9700.0

CBC-Complete Blood Count Normal Ranges in Females | CBC-Complete Blood Count Normal Ranges in Women
Test Name Age Normal Range
Abs Basophil Count Test >= 0 years 0.0-0.1
Abs Eosinophil Count Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 0.0-0.3
>= 4 days upto 8 days 0.0-0.4
>= 8 days upto 15 days 0.0-0.3
>= 15 days upto 31 days 0.0-0.4
>= 31 days upto 61 days 0.1-0.3
>= 61 days upto 181 days 0.0-0.3
>= 181 days upto 2 years 0.0-0.2
>= 2 years upto 18 years 0.0-0.2
>= 18 years 0.0-0.4
Abs Lymphocyte Count Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 1.7-2.8
>= 4 days upto 8 days 1.2-3.4
>= 8 days upto 15 days 1.5-3.8
>= 15 days upto 31 days 1.6-5.0
>= 31 days upto 61 days 2.2-5.1
>= 61 days upto 181 days 1.9-5.4
>= 181 days upto 2 years 2.0-5.7
>= 2 years upto 6 years 1.5-3.8
>= 6 years upto 12 years 1.2-2.8
>= 12 years upto 18 years 1.2-2.3
>= 18 years upto 55 years 1.3-3.6
>= 55 years 1.1-3.3
Abs Monocyte Count Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 0.2-2.2
>= 4 days upto 8 days 0.2-2.2
>= 8 days upto 15 days 0.1-2.9
>= 15 days upto 31 days 0.2-5.0
>= 31 days upto 61 days 0.2-2.1
>= 61 days upto 181 days 0.6-1.9
>= 181 days upto 2 years 0.3-1.5
>= 2 years upto 6 years 0.5-1.1
>= 6 years upto 12 years 0.4-0.9
>= 12 years upto 18 years 0.4-0.9
>= 18 years upto 45 years Not Defined
>= 45 years 0.2-0.8
Abs Neutrophil Count Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 4.4-11.4
>= 4 days upto 8 days 3.2-7.2
>= 8 days upto 15 days 3.9-8.3
>= 15 days upto 31 days 3.8-9.4
>= 31 days upto 61 days 2.5-6.3
>= 61 days upto 181 days 2.2-7.1
>= 181 days upto 2 years 2.3-6.4
>= 2 years upto 6 years 2.3-6.4
>= 6 years upto 12 years 2.6-6.0
>= 12 years upto 18 years 3.0-6.1
>= 18 years upto 45 years Not Defined
>= 45 years 1.9-7.9
Basophils Test >= 0 years upto 18 years 0.0-1.0
>= 18 years 0.2-1.0
Eosinophils Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 2.0-4.0
>= 4 days upto 8 days 2.0-5.0
>= 8 days upto 15 days 2.0-5.0
>= 15 days upto 31 days 2.0-4.0
>= 31 days upto 61 days 2.0-6.0
>= 61 days upto 181 days 2.0-5.0
>= 181 days upto 2 years 1.0-4.0
>= 2 years upto 6 years 1.0-4.0
>= 6 years upto 12 years 1.0-4.0
>= 12 years upto 18 years 1.0-3.0
>= 18 years 0.5-7.2
HCT Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 36.5-47.7
>= 4 days upto 8 days 36.1-44.0
>= 8 days upto 15 days 36.6-43.2
>= 15 days upto 31 days 34.1-41.8
>= 31 days upto 61 days 32.0-39.9
>= 61 days upto 181 days 30.5-38.6
>= 181 days upto 2 years 30.9-36.4
>= 2 years upto 6 years 31.8-37.0
>= 6 years upto 12 years 32.3-38.3
>= 12 years upto 18 years 32.1-38.7
>= 18 years upto 45 years Not Defined
>= 45 years 35.9-45.0
Hb Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 12.7-16.4
>= 4 days upto 8 days 12.6-15.3
>= 8 days upto 15 days 12.7-14.9
>= 15 days upto 31 days 11.6-14.3
>= 31 days upto 61 days 11.1-13.7
>= 61 days upto 181 days 10.7-13.4
>= 181 days upto 2 years 10.8-12.6
>= 2 years upto 6 years 11.1-12.9
>= 6 years upto 12 years 11.3-13.4
>= 12 years upto 15 years 11.3-13.4
>= 15 years upto 18 years 12.0-15.0
>= 18 years upto 45 years Not Defined
>= 45 years 12.0-15.0
Lymphocytes Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 11.0-40.0
>= 4 days upto 8 days 10.0-45.0
>= 8 days upto 15 days 8.0-46.0
>= 15 days upto 31 days 8.0-57.0
>= 31 days upto 61 days 16.0-68.0
>= 61 days upto 181 days 15.0-68.0
>= 181 days upto 2 years 13.0-70.0
>= 2 years upto 6 years 11.0-59.0
>= 6 years upto 12 years 10.0-47.0
>= 12 years upto 18 years 8.0-39.0
>= 18 years 21.1-52.8
Mean Corpuscular Hb Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 31.7-36.3
>= 4 days upto 8 days 30.6-32.3
>= 8 days upto 15 days 30.5-31.9
>= 15 days upto 31 days 30.5-32.0
>= 31 days upto 61 days 29.8-31.7
>= 61 days upto 181 days 28.5-30.4
>= 181 days upto 2 years 26.5-29.3
>= 2 years upto 6 years 27.0-29.6
>= 6 years upto 12 years 27.8-30.0
>= 12 years upto 18 years 28.4-30.7
>= 18 years upto 45 years Not Defined
>= 45 years 27.0-32.0
Mean Corpuscular Hb Concentration Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 33.9-35.4
>= 4 days upto 8 days 34.3-35.7
>= 8 days upto 15 days 33.9-35.3
>= 15 days upto 31 days 33.7-35.1
>= 31 days upto 61 days 34.1-35.4
>= 61 days upto 181 days 34.1-35.6
>= 181 days upto 2 years 34.1-35.6
>= 2 years upto 6 years 34.0-35.6
>= 6 years upto 12 years 34.3-35.8
>= 12 years upto 18 years 33.9-35.4
>= 18 years 31.8-35.9
Mean Corpuscular Volume Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 89.7-105.4
>= 4 days upto 8 days 86.5-93.8
>= 8 days upto 15 days 87.4-92.2
>= 15 days upto 31 days 88.4-93.3
>= 31 days upto 61 days 85.7-91.6
>= 61 days upto 181 days 82.0-87.0
>= 181 days upto 2 years 76.6-83.2
>= 2 years upto 6 years 77.7-84.1
>= 6 years upto 12 years 79.5-85.2
>= 12 years upto 18 years 82.1-87.7
>= 18 years upto 45 years Not Defined
>= 45 years 78.0-93.0
Mean Platelet Volume Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 7.9-8.5
>= 4 days upto 8 days 8.2-9.1
>= 8 days upto 15 days 8.3-9.4
>= 15 days upto 31 days 8.4-9.9
>= 31 days upto 61 days 7.8-8.8
>= 61 days upto 181 days 7.5-8.3
>= 181 days upto 2 years 7.3-8.0
>= 2 years upto 6 years 7.3-8.0
>= 6 years upto 12 years 7.4-8.1
>= 12 years upto 18 years 7.5-8.3
>= 18 years 7.5-12.0
Monocytes Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 5.0-11.0
>= 4 days upto 8 days 6.0-14.0
>= 8 days upto 15 days 6.0-19.0
>= 15 days upto 31 days 5.0-14.0
>= 31 days upto 61 days 5.0-14.0
>= 61 days upto 181 days 4.0-12.0
>= 181 days upto 2 years 4.0-9.0
>= 2 years upto 6 years 4.0-8.0
>= 6 years upto 12 years 4.0-7.0
>= 12 years upto 18 years 4.0-7.0
>= 18 years 2.7-10.2
Neutrophils Test >= 0 years upto 15 days 21.2-55.4
>= 15 days upto 31 days 17.0-40.9
>= 31 days upto 61 days 15.7-49.1
>= 61 days upto 181 days 18.6-60.0
>= 181 days upto 2 years 23.8-69.3
>= 2 years upto 6 years 33.6-77.5
>= 6 years upto 12 years 38.7-76.7
>= 12 years upto 18 years 46.4-75.6
>= 18 years 39.6-74.7
Other Findings Test >= 0 years None
Parasites Test >= 0 years Absent
Erythrocyte Distribution Width >= 0 years upto 4 days 15.8-17.8
>= 4 days upto 8 days 14.7-16.6
>= 8 days upto 15 days 14.8-16.3
>= 15 days upto 31 days 15.0-16.7
>= 31 days upto 61 days 14.2-15.6
>= 61 days upto 181 days 13.6-14.8
>= 181 days upto 2 years 13.3-14.8
>= 2 years upto 6 years 13.0-14.2
>= 6 years upto 12 years 12.8-13.9
>= 12 years upto 18 years 12.8-14.4
>= 18 years upto 45 years Not Defined
>= 45 years 11.3-14.7
Total Platelet Count Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 133000.0-255000.0
>= 4 days upto 8 days 95000.0-230000.0
>= 8 days upto 15 days 106000.0-294000.0
>= 15 days upto 31 days 114000.0-364000.0
>= 31 days upto 61 days 184000.0-430000.0
>= 61 days upto 181 days 147000.0-423000.0
>= 181 days upto 2 years 211000.0-408000.0
>= 2 years upto 6 years 190000.0-365000.0
>= 6 years upto 12 years 219000.0-339000.0
>= 12 years upto 18 years 192000.0-307000.0
>= 18 years upto 45 years Not Defined
>= 45 years 165000.0-415000.0
Total RBC Count Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 3.79-4.76
>= 4 days upto 8 days 4.05-4.83
>= 8 days upto 15 days 4.01-4.73
>= 15 days upto 31 days 3.7-4.59
>= 31 days upto 61 days 3.55-4.57
>= 61 days upto 181 days 3.63-4.61
>= 181 days upto 2 years 3.83-4.67
>= 2 years upto 6 years 3.89-4.67
>= 6 years upto 12 years 3.88-4.72
>= 12 years upto 18 years 3.79-4.61
>= 18 years upto 45 years Not Defined
>= 45 years 4.0-5.2
Total WBC Count Test >= 0 years upto 4 days 7500.0-15800.0
>= 4 days upto 8 days 5900.0-12200.0
>= 8 days upto 15 days 7500.0-14600.0
>= 15 days upto 31 days 8600.0-15700.0
>= 31 days upto 61 days 7300.0-12300.0
>= 61 days upto 181 days 6800.0-12800.0
>= 181 days upto 2 years 7000.0-13000.0
>= 2 years upto 6 years 6000.0-10800.0
>= 6 years upto 12 years 5400.0-9700.0
>= 12 years upto 18 years 5500.0-9300.0
>= 18 years upto 45 years Not Defined
>= 45 years 3900.0-11700.0

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Currently no interpretation details are avaialble for this report.

Treatment options

Currently no treatment options details are avaialble for this report,check back later or consult your doctor

Technical information

Parameter Details
LOINC Codes 789-8
Sample Type Required whole blood
Principle of Measurement SLS-Hemoglobin Method,Sheath flow DC detection method,Calculated,Flow Cytometry/Hemodynamic Focusing,Sheath Flow DC detection method,Manual/Light Microscopy
Units of Measurement g/dL,10*6/uL,%,fL,pg,10*3/uL,-
CBC-Complete Blood Count Cost in Pune

What is the Cost of CBC-Complete Blood Count?

The test costs Rs.300.0

Details about cost price of CBC-Complete Blood Count

  • Free home visit for sample collection for CBC-Complete Blood Count in all parts of Pune City is included in the cost price.
  • Kindly note that we do not charge any visit charges as most other labs. This is because the cost of CBC-Complete Blood Count in Pune is already high and we do not wish to levy additional charges on patients.
  • The cost price of CBC-Complete Blood Count is updated only in case of sudden changes in government rules. You are requested to check the latest cost price of CBC-Complete Blood Count as charged by Pathofast on this page.
  • All online forms of payment are available at our lab, including Gpay, Payumoney, credit and debit card as well as cheque payment.

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How to book CBC-Complete Blood Count in Pune?

Book a free home visit in Pune online, call our lab at 020 49304930 or get in touch using Watsapp.

Pathofast offers CBC-Complete Blood Count at our center in Manisha Terrace, Moledina Road, Pune, Camp, India
Our diagnostic center in Pune and pathology lab in Pune, is known for its exceptional hygiene, polite staff and quick reports
Our Pune Center, is located close to the railway station and the Swargate Central Bus Depot, as well as the new Metro Lines
Please choose an option below to proceed with your booking:

Near which locations or areas of Pune is CBC-Complete Blood Count available?

Pathofast offers lab test service for CBC-Complete Blood Count near : Camp, Koregaon Park, Kalyani Nagar, Viman Nagar, Aundh, Baner, FC Road, Tilak Road, Ravet, Aundh, Pimpri Chinchwad, Nagar Road, Dhole Patil Road.

Locations for free home sample collection near you in Pune for CBC-Complete Blood Count

Pathofast Lab Pune offers free home sample collection in the areas on the map for CBC-Complete Blood Count. Find directions now or use the online booking links.

What are the Advantages of choosing a lab near you for blood test services?
  • Choosing a nearby lab reduces the time it takes for the sample to be transported
  • This leads to reduced sample deterioration.
  • While most patients are unaware, blood samples must be transported under strictly controlled temperature, and choosing a lab near you makes this easier to achieve.
  • Even if the lab does not adhere to temperature control, the time spent between sample collection and analysis reduces and this is more likely to produce more accurate results

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Dr.Bhargav Raut - Profile Image

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Dr.Bhargav Raut is a qualified Pathologist, with over 5 years of experience in the field
Kindly note that any mention of products, doctors or hospitals in any of our blogs/content is purely for informational purposes and does not imply affiliation or endorsement.

Dr.Bhargav Raut offers Online Consultation for your lab reports. If you are confused about your reports, or want an opinion for a health concern, click the button below. He charges USD 14.99/- to go over your case. Dr.Raut is board certified (India) and has several years of experience in interpreting lab reports

Please attach your lab reports in the email with a short description of your illness/problem.

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