Dr.Bhargav Raut is our chief pathologist and medical director. He oversees Clinical Pathology , Biochemistry, Serology and Routine microbiology reporting.
Dr.Bhargav Raut's LinkedIn ProfileDr.Nikunj Das is a visiting microbiologist who oversees microbiology cultures and sensitivity testing.
We have a team of 4 full time qualified lab technicians, with a combined experience of 12 years
We have a fleet of 4 full time home visit phlebotomists who visit all parts of pune for sample collection.
Send your resume to reportspathofast@gmail.com. For lab technicians, we require a minimum of 2 years or experience and a minimum of 1000 blood sample collections. For home visit phlebotomists, we require a minimum experience of 5000 blood sample collections.
Send your resume to reportspathofast@gmail.com. Those who do not meet the requirements for a full time job, may still apply as trainees, and will be inducted into different activities based on a step by step plan.