All You Need to Know About Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and the PCOS Profile Test

  • What is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?

    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a condition in which women, have high levels of androgens (male hormones) and insulin resistance(poor sugar control), together with small cysts in the ovaries. This combination of factors produces acne, male pattern of hair growth, irregular menstrual cycles and infertility.

  • How is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome diagnosed?

    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is diagnosed by exclusion. This means that Polcystic Ovary Syndrome is diagnosed when all other causes for your symptoms have been ruled out.

  • What other conditions have to be ruled out before diagnosing PCOS?

    There are many conditions that can mimic PCOS. The table below lists the most common conditions, that MUST BE RULED OUT before coming to a diagnosis of PCOS. This means, that PCOS is diagnosed only when ALL OTHER CAUSES HAVE BEEN ELIMINATED.

    Condition like PCOS Explanation
    Thyroid Problems Symptoms of thyroid can be similar to PCOS
    Small Brain Tumor Prolactin excess caused by brain growth can have similar symptoms to PCOS
    Excess Androgens High androgen levels due to growth in adrenal glands, can be similar to PCOS
    Cancer of Adrenal Gland/Ovaries Symptoms may be like PCOS/PCOD

  • How does this PCOS Blood Test Profile help to diagnose or exclude PCOS?

    This panel of tests, confirms PCOS and excludes other causes of similar symptoms like :

    • Poor Sugar Control : The most common cause of PCOS, is confirmed by this PCOS Profile, specifically the HOMA Index Test
    • High Androgen Levels : The most important feature of PCOS namely high androgen levels are confirmed by the Testosterone test included in this PCOS Profile
    • Exclude Adrenal Gland Problems : The 17-hydroxyprogesterone test helps to rule out Adrenal Gland disorders which can mimic your PCOS symptoms
    • Fertility Hormone Balance : An elevated LH/FSH ratio is seen most commonly in PCOS and not in the other conditions.

  • When should testing be done for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?

    Testing for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome should be done if you have irregular periods, difficulty getting pregnant, or signs of hormonal imbalance, and it must be done on day 3-5 of the menstrual cycle.

  • Can PCOS be diagnosed by pregnancy tests?

    Surprisingly some of the symptoms of PCOS like absence of menses, weight gain and acne may also be seen in pregnancy. As such, pregnancy should always be ruled out if you have these symptoms. You can consider getting a prengnacy blood test or urine test to be sure that your symptoms are not due to pregnancy.

  • How is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome treated?

    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is treated with lifestyle changes, such as healthy diet and exercise, and medications to regulate hormones and manage symptoms.

Do this panel of tests if you have any of the following symptoms :

  • Irregular or absent periods

    Having irregular or absent periods are a very common symptom of PCOS.

  • Excessive hair growth

    Hair growth on the face, chest, or back are one of the biggest signs of PCOS.

  • Acne

    Persistent acne, is a sign of increased androgens, commonly seen in PCOS.

  • Weight gain or difficulty losing weight

    Weight gain with high sugar levels may be a sign of PCOS

  • Hair thinning or hair loss

    Male pattern balding in females is a very significant cause of concern and may be due to PCOS.

List of tests included in the PCOS blood test

Name How It Helps
HOMA IR index (Insulin, Glucose fasting test)
Contains 2 tests including : Plasma Glucose(Fasting),Insulin
  1. Checks level of fasting glucose compared to insulin
  2. A higher than normal ratio is seen in PCOS
Contains 1 tests including : Total Testosterone
  1. Checks for high levels of testosterone
  2. Abnormal testosterone levels can be seen in PCOS patients
LH / FSH Ratio
Contains 1 tests including : LH / FSH Ratio
  1. Checks the balance of LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone)
  2. This ratio is normally almost equal or nearly 1
  3. If you have PCOS it will be elevated
17-Hydroxyprogesterone (17-OH progesterone or 17OHP)
Contains 1 tests including : 17-Hydroxyprogesterone (17-OH progesterone or 17OHP)
  1. Checks the level of 17-hydroxyprogesterone
  2. Very high levels may be seen in adrenal gland problems, a condition that mimics, but is not PCOS

List of Eligibility Criteria for the PCOS Test

  • Minimum Age and Gender

    This test is only to be done by adult women who have attained puberty (age above 18 years), and who have not yet had menopause

  • Not on Oral Contraceptives

    PCOS Tests are largely affected by contraceptives and as such, you should not be on contraceptives for at least 3 months to get accurate results.

  • Family History

    Women with first-degree relatives who have PCOS are more prone to this condition and so, this adds to your reasons to get tested.


  • What is the cost of PCOS Test in Pune?

    The cost of PCOD Panel test in Pune is Rs. 3950.0, at Pathofast Lab.

  • What type of sample is necessary for PCOS Test?

    PCOD Panel test needs and Blood Sample

  • In how much time will the reports be ready for PCOS Test?

    All the PCOD Panel test reports will be ready after 2 days. 3 reports will be ready earlier, after 1 days.

  • What are the normal ranges for different tests in the PCOS Test?

    Please refer to the table of Normal Ranges below.

  • Is home sample collection available for PCOD Panel test?

    Yes, home sample collection is available for PCOS Test various areas of Pune.

How to prepare for the PCOS Test?

Before getting these tests, you should be aware of important pre-test guidelines. These include whether or not to fast, which medicines you can take and what foods to avoid.

The following table illustrates important preparation guidelines for the PCOS blood test

Table of preparation guidelines and pre-test information for PCOS Profile Test

Precautions Details
At what time should the test be done? The test can be done between 6 am to 9 am in the morning.
Can I eat before the test? No, you need to be fasting for 8-12 hours before the test. Water is allowed, tea without sugar is allowed.
Which medicines can affect the test results? The test results may be affected by medicines like steroids,estrogen,anti-androgens. If you are taking these medications, please inform the lab.
Which foods can affect the test results? These tests are not affected by foods.
Other instructions to be followed before the test?

List of normal ranges of the tests in PCOD Panel test?

The following list shows the normal ranges of the different tests included in PCOS Test.

  • HOMA IR index (Insulin, Glucose fasting test)

    • Men : 2.25-2.45
    • Women : 1.95-2.15

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Testosterone

    • Men : 240.0-950.0
    • Women : 15-46

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • LH / FSH Ratio

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • 17-Hydroxyprogesterone (17-OH progesterone or 17OHP)

    • Men : < 220
    • Women : < 285

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

How long do the reports take for PCOS blood test?

All the PCOS Profile Test reports will be ready after 2 days. 3 reports will be ready earlier, after 1 days..

The table below lists the time taken by individual reports in the PCOD Panel test

Table of time taken by different tests in the PCOS Test

Report Name How Long It Takes
HOMA IR index (Insulin, Glucose fasting test) 1 days
Testosterone 1 days
LH / FSH Ratio 1 days
17-Hydroxyprogesterone (17-OH progesterone or 17OHP) 2 days

Frequently Asked Questions

PCOS can only be confirmed by the presence of increased androgens like testosterone, cysts in the ovary and menstrual irregularities. As such this group of tests can confirm the increased levels of androgens. It can also help confirm the diagnosis by providing evidence of insulin resistance.

Confirmation of PCOS requires a USG or ultrasound scan to prove the presence of cysts or small spaces in the ovaries. This together with increased androgen levels and menstrual abnormalities confirm PCOS.

If all the tests in this panel are normal, you will need to discuss other possibilities with your gynecologist or endocrinologist.

Insulin is the hormone, that helps our body to use sugar effectively. Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body does not respond to insulin. Even in the presence of insulin the body does not use sugar. This means the body resists insulin and its effects. Research has shown that PCOS and PCOD are commonly caused by insulin resistance as this also affects the ovaries, and leads to excessive production of androgens by the ovaries. Women with insulin resistance are also commonly obese.

Simply put, the HOMA Index checks how much sugar is there in your body for a given amount of insulin. A health sugar/insulin ratio is usually around 2. HOMA Index, also uses an additional multiplication factor to standardize the results. A higher than normal HOMA Index indicates insulin resistance and is one of the most important tests to diagnose PCOD.

Testosterone is and androgen and its levels are high in women with PCOS. While other causes exists for increased testosterone, a finding of increased testosterone adds to the possibility of PCOS.

LH stands for leutinizing hormone, a hormone secreted by the ovaries. FSH is a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland in the brain. Both hormones are required for the maturation of the eggs in the ovaries, and their eventual release during every menstrual cycle. The ratio of the levels of these two hormones, is usually very precisely balanced at around 1.1. A value above 2 is indicative of PCOS.

A condition called Congeintal Adrenal Hyperplasia may also cause a rise in androgens and produce facial hair, hair back, and hair on the arms in women. Its symptoms may be similar to PCOS. This is basically a growth in the adrenal glands(small glands above the kidneys). THese glands produce adrenalin and also the androgens that cause male pattern hair growth. In case you are actually suffering from this condition, your 17-Hydroxyprogesterone value will be very high, which is not seen in PCOS. We included this test in our PCOD Profile test to rule out this condition.

Why Choose Pathofast for PCOS Profile Test

Pathofast Lab in Pune, is the best lab in Pune for accurate and reliable blood tests. Our lab is located conveniently in the center of Pune and we also offer home sample collection for the PCOS Profile Test in various areas of Pune.

You can be assured of quality service and timely and accurate reports

Home Sample Collection is Available for PCOS Profile Test at the following locations in Pune :

  • Jangli Maharaj Nagar
  • Ravet
  • Viman Nagar
  • Shastrinagar, Yerawada
  • NIBM Undri Road, Kondhwa
  • Camp
  • Aundh
  • Baner
  • Dattwadi
  • Undri
  • Pimpri-Chinchwad
  • Kalyani Nagar
  • Koregaon Park
  • Sadashiv Peth