The tests you will be taking will help us understand why you are experiencing symptoms of a runny or stuffy nose. Group 1: Complete Blood Count (CBC): This test looks for signs of infection in your blood that could be causing your symptoms
Allergy Testing: This test looks for allergies that could be causing your runny or stuffy nose. RhinovirusEnterovirus PCR: This test looks for viruses that could be causing your blocked or runny nose
IgE Antibody Levels: This test looks for immunoglobulin E, which is a type of antibody that can be an indicator of allergies. Nasal Swab Cultures: This test looks for bacteria or fungi that could be causing your congested or runny nose
Group 2: Serum Immunoglobulin E (IgE) Levels: This test looks for immunoglobulin E, which is a type of antibody that can be an indicator of allergies. Sinus CT Scan: This test uses imaging to look for any blockages or abnormalities in your sinuses that could be causing your runny or stuffy nose
X-ray Imaging: This test uses imaging to look for any blockages or abnormalities in your nasal passages that could be causing your congested or runny nose. Nasal Endoscopy: This test uses a thin, lighted tube to look for any blockages or abnormalities in your nasal passages that could be causing your blocked or runny nose
Allergy Skin Testing: This test looks for allergies that could be causing your stuffy or runny nose.
Result :
You may have noticed your eyes feel itchy and watery. This is a common symptom of a runny nose, as the body produces extra mucus to try and stop the affected area from drying out.
You may have been sneezing more than usual. This is a sign that your body is trying to get rid of the extra mucus that is being produced.
You may also have been coughing more than usual. This is because the extra mucus that is being produced is irritating your throat, causing you to cough in order to try and get rid of it.