The group of tests that you will be undergoing will help us better understand why you are experiencing visual disturbances. This includes difficulty seeing, sight impairment, visual impairment, and reduced vision
The first group of tests includes the Electroretinogram (ERG), Ophthalmologic Examination, Visual Fields Test, Retinal Imaging, and Vitamin A and B12 Levels. These tests will help us assess the health of your eyes and measure the electrical activity of your retina to determine the cause of your visual disturbances
The second group of tests includes the Complete Blood Count (CBC), Serum Chemistry Panel, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Ultrasound, and Cerebral Spinal Fluid Analysis. These tests will help us examine and analyze other factors that could be contributing to your visual disturbances, such as neurological or metabolic issues.
Result :
You may have noticed that objects appear blurry or distorted when you look at them. This could include having difficulty seeing details, or seeing double.
You may have experienced headaches or pressure in your eyes or head. This could be a sign of visual disturbances.
You may feel uncomfortable in bright light or find yourself squinting in the sun or when looking at a computer screen. This could be a sign that your eyes are struggling to adjust to the light.