Free Home Sample Collection for Blood Test in Pune

Blood Test at Home in Pune - Free Sample Collection

Get Free Home Visit for Blood Test in Pune

Pathofast Lab Pune offers free home sample collection for a variety of blood tests in Pune City. Home Blood Test allows you to get your sample collected from the convenience of your home without the need to travel to the lab. The home visit is offerred free of charge. Fill up the form below to start your online booking for a blood test in the convenience of your home.

होम सैंपल कलेक्शन क्या है?

होम सैंपल कलेक्शन तब होता है जब लैब तकनीशियन आपका सैंपल लेने के लिए आपके घर आता है। यह सेवा रक्त के नमूने, मूत्र के नमूने, मल के नमूने और वीर्य के नमूनों के लिए दी जाती है। प्रत्येक नमूने के लिए हम एक विशेष प्रोटोकॉल और संग्रह उपकरण का उपयोग करते हैं। आप नीचे संबंधित अनुभागों में अधिक विवरण पा सकते हैं।

Available in All Suburbs of Pune

Pathofast Lab Pune offers the home blood test sample collection facility in all major suburbs of Pune. These include विमान नगर, कल्याणी नगर, लोहेगांव, खराड़ी, मुंडवा, कोरेगांव पार्क, वानोवरी, एनआईबीएम रोड, बावधन, कैंप, तिलक रोड, सदाशिव पेठ, नवी पेठ, नारायण पेठ, कोंढवा, हडपसर, एफसी रोड, जेएम रोड, भंडारकर रोड, करवेनगर , पौड रोड, कोथरुड. Check the map above for areas where we offer the free home visit for blood sample collection.

Trained Home Visit Technicians

All our home visit phlebotomists are thoroughly trained in blood sample collection. They are also trained in basic life support and management of medical emergencies that may arise during a blood sample collection

Online Booking for Home Test

We offer online booking for blood tests. You can choose from a variety of lab tests, pick the sample collection time and pay online, with instant confirmation.

Home Blood Sample Collection - Things to Remember

How to Prepare for home blood sample collection in Pune

How to Prepare for a home blood test

Getting a blood test at home in Pune is easy, provided you are with an experienced lab and technician. Here are the most important things to remember during a home blood test :
  1. Make sure to confirm your appointment time and location well in advance
  2. Cross check the list of tests to be done
  3. On the day of the home visit, ensure that you have a well lit area where the lab technician can collect the sample, keep your arms and forearms well exposed and clean, and inform the lab if you take blood thinners or have a bleeding disorder

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I take my medicines as usual?

Yes, you can take your usual medications on the morning of the test. If your medicines are to be taken after your meal, then please wait till the blood sample is collected before taking your medicines.

What is the earliest time at which the home test can be arranged?

Our home visit phlebotomists are available from 6 am in the morning from Monday-Saturday. Please ensure that you book the test a day in advance for timely response, confirmation and service.

Are ECG and Blood Pressure Monitoring included?

No, we offer only sample collection for blood tests, and body fluid tests like urine, semen, and stool.

घरेलू रक्त नमूना संग्रह के दौरान क्या अपेक्षा करें?

लैब तकनीशियन आपको गृह दौरे से एक रात पहले कॉल करेगा

वे समय और स्थान के साथ-साथ परीक्षण सूची की भी पुष्टि करेंगे।

मुलाक़ात की सुबह, तकनीशियन आपको फिर से कॉल करेगा, यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि आप आगे बढ़ेंगे

उनके पहुंचने के बाद तकनीशियन आपको अच्छी रोशनी वाले क्षेत्र में आराम से बैठने के लिए कहेंगे।

फिर तकनीशियन संग्रह उपकरण को असेंबल करेगा

वे आदर्श नस के लिए आपकी दोनों भुजाओं की जाँच करेंगे

Urine Home Sample Collection in Pune

Home Urine Sample Collection Guidelines in Pune

Urine Sample Collection Guidelines At Home in Pune

Collecitng a urine sample at home is important when you book a home urine test. While collecting a urine sample, make sure to clean your external genital area thoroughly, avoid use of soap or gels, and try to collect the first morning sample.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should the urine sample be collected?

We recommend collecting the first morning sample. This is the first time you pass urine after waking up in the morning. The sample should be collected in the sterile container provided by the lab. Allow the initial part of the urine to pass and collect the mid-stream or middle 30% of the sample.

Can I collect the sample in my own container?

We strongly advise against collecting the sample in anything except the container that we provide. This container, is sterile, disposable and does not contain any contaminants.

How much urine is necessary for the test?

We need a minimum of 15ml of urine to process the sample. Anything less than 15ml will not produce a reliable report. If you are unable to collect enough urine, it is suggested that you try again at another day.

घरेलू मूत्र नमूना संग्रह के दौरान क्या अपेक्षा करें?

<h4>लैब तकनीशियन आपको गृह दौरे से एक रात पहले कॉल करेगा</h4><h4> हम आपको वास्तविक संग्रह से एक दिन पहले नमूना कंटेनर प्रदान करेंगे</h4><h4> सबसे पहले सुबह का नमूना एकत्र करने की सलाह दी जाती है</h4><h4> घर पर मूत्र का नमूना एकत्र करने की प्रक्रिया जानने के लिए इस फ्लो चार्ट को देखें</h4>

Step by Step Infographic for Urine Home Sample Collection

Home urine Sample collection guidelines - step by step infographic

Stool Home Sample Collection in Pune

Stool Sample Collection Guidelines at Home in Pune

Stool Sample Collection Guidelines At Home in Pune

Collecitng a stool sample at home is important when you book a home stool test. While collecting a stool sample, bear in mind that you should not mix, water, soap or any other material into the container. If you are passing blood in your stools, let it flow freely into the container, do not try to wash it away.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should the stool sample be collected?

We recommend collecting the first morning sample. This sample usually has sufficient bulk to be of use to analyze in the lab. If you suffer from diarrhea you can collect the next time you pass stools. If you are constipated please inform the lab in case you have used an anal pessary or laxative solution.

Can I collect the sample in my own container?

We strongly advise against collecting the sample in anything except the container that we provide. This container, is sterile, disposable and does not contain any contaminants.

How much stool is necessary for the test?

We need a maximum of 20gm of stool for a complete analysis. Any additional sample will be discarded. In layman's terms, this is approximately 2-3 tablespoons of specimen.

घरेलू मल नमूना संग्रह के दौरान क्या अपेक्षा करें?

<h4>लैब तकनीशियन आपको गृह दौरे से एक रात पहले कॉल करेगा</h4><h4> हम आपको वास्तविक संग्रह से एक दिन पहले नमूना कंटेनर प्रदान करेंगे</h4>

Fasting Blood Sample For Home Collection

Fasting Blood Sample Required for blood test at home in Pune

List of tests for which you need to fast during a home sample collection

Several tests require that the patient should be fasting prior to a home sample collection. These include sugar, cholesterol, liver profile, pancreatic enzyme tests and some hormonal assays.
  1. Lipid profile, Mini (Cholesterol-total, HDL, LDL, VLDL, Triglycerides)
  2. Sugar Fasting and Post Prandial
  3. Thyroid panel-1 Total (T3, T4, TSH)

Frequently Asked Questions

How many hours to fast before a home sample collection?

We recommend fasting for 8-12 hours prior to the blood test. In most cases, you should not eat anything after dinner the previous night. Fasting for more than 12 hours does not significantly alter the test results. Fasting less than 8 hours may also be permissible in some settings.

What if I drink tea or water before the test

You can drink tea or water, provided that it does not contain any sugar (in case of sugar tests). For cholesterol and lipid profile tests, it only matters if your meal contained fats. For the liver, and pancreatic tests, fasting is advisable and tea is not permitted.

Lab Tests Available for Home Sample Collection in Pune

Lab Tests Available for Home Sample Collection in Pune

Tests Available for Home Visit Services in Pune

Pathofast Lab Pune offers a majority of blood tests in Pune with home sample collection, semen test with home sample collection, urine test at home, and stool test at home, under its home sample collection facility in multiple parts of Pune City. Any test that needs a blood sample can be performed in the convenience of your home.

Popular Lab Tests Requested for Home Visit in Pune

Blood Tests at home for kidney in Pune
Convenient Kidney Testing at Home in Pune

Assess your kidney function in Pune through our home testing services. Experience the ease of free sample collection for accurate results.

Blood Test at home for Blood Urea Nitrogen Test

Blood Test at home for Creatinine Test

Blood Test at home for Serum Urea Test

Blood Test at home for किडनी प्रोफाइल

Blood Tests at home for minerals in Pune
Mineral Testing at Your Doorstep in Pune

Check your mineral levels in Pune from the comfort of your home. Benefit from free sample collection for a comprehensive health assessment.

Blood Test at home for सीरम कैल्शियम स्तर

Blood Test at home for

Blood Test at home for Phosphorous Test

Blood Tests at home for electrolytes in Pune
Home Electrolyte Testing in Pune

Measure your electrolyte levels in Pune with convenient at-home testing. Stay balanced and healthy with our free sample collection service.

Blood Test at home for Serum Chloride Level

Blood Test at home for Potassium Test

Blood Test at home for Sodium Test

Blood Tests at home for lipid in Pune
Home Cholesterol Testing in Pune with Free Sample Pickup

Manage your cholesterol levels in Pune through our home testing service. We offer free sample collection for your convenience.

Blood Test at home for HDL Cholesterol Test

Blood Test at home for LDL Cholesterol Test

Blood Test at home for VLDL Cholesterol

Blood Test at home for Lipid Fraction - Triglycerides

Blood Test at home for वसा प्रालेख

Blood Tests at home for urine in Pune
Home Urine Testing Services in Pune

Monitor your urinary health in Pune with our convenient home tests. Take advantage of free sample collection for a seamless experience.

Blood Test at home for एसीआर टेस्ट

Blood Test at home for मूत्र नियमित परीक्षण

Blood Test at home for मूत्र नियमित परीक्षण

Blood Tests at home for fertility in Pune
Fertility Testing at Home in Pune with Sample Collection

Take control of your fertility journey in Pune with our home testing and free sample collection. Understand your reproductive health with ease.

Blood Test at home for वीर्य परीक्षण

Blood Test at home for एफएसएच, एलएच, प्रोलैक्टिन टेस्ट

Blood Test at home for एएमएच - एंटी मुलेरियन हार्मोन

Blood Tests at home for pregnancy in Pune
Pregnancy Tests at Home in Pune with Free Sample Collection

Confirm your pregnancy in Pune with our home testing service. We offer free sample collection for your convenience and peace of mind.

Blood Test at home for बीटा एचसीजी टेस्ट

Blood Test at home for डबल मार्कर टेस्ट

Blood Test at home for ट्रिपल मार्कर टेस्ट

Blood Tests at home for autoimmune in Pune
Autoimmune Testing in Pune with Free Home Collection

Assess your autoimmune health in Pune with our home testing service. Enjoy the convenience of free sample collection for a comprehensive diagnosis.

Blood Test at home for एएनए टेस्ट

Blood Test at home for एएनए ब्लॉट 17 एंटीजन

Blood Test at home for Complement Levels - C3, C4

Frequently Searched Terms and Hashtags
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