Full Body Health Checkup in Pune | 77 Tests : Price Rs. 3999

Last Updated : 06 June 2024 by Dr.Bhargav Raut

This Full Body Health Checkup package includes 77 tests to check your overall health.

It covers important areas like blood sugar, kidney and liver function, vitamins, and infections.

  • 77 tests
  • Home sample eollection
  • First Report in 1 day

4.9/5(378 reviews )

Full Body Health Checkup in Pune

List of benefits of the Full Body Health Checkup in Pune

Yearly Check Up Package - Full Body Checkup Explained

  • What is Full Body Checkup?

    A Full Body Checkup is a series of tests to check the overall health of your body. It helps in early detection of potential health issues.

  • How is Full Body Checkup Diagnosed?

    Full Body Checkup involves different tests like blood tests, urine tests, and scans to check the functioning of various organs.

  • When to do Full Body Checkup Tests?

    You should do a Full Body Checkup once a year or if you have any health concerns. It is also good to do it before starting a new job or travelling abroad.

  • How is Full Body Checkup treated?

    Based on the results, your doctor will give advice on diet, lifestyle changes, and medications if needed.

Full Body Health Checkup Cost in Pune, Sample Type

  • What is the cost of Full Body Health Checkup in Pune?

    The cost of Full Body Health Checkup in Pune is Rs. 3999.0, at Pathofast Lab.

  • What type of sample is necessary for Complete Body Checkup?

    Full Body Health Checkup needs Blood Sample and Urine Sample

  • In how much time will the reports be ready for Preventive Health Checkup?

    All the Complete Body Checkup reports will be ready after 1 days.

  • What are the normal ranges for different tests in the Full Body Health Checkup?

  • Is home sample collection available for Preventive Health Checkup?

    Yes, home sample collection is available for Complete Body Checkup various areas of Pune.

Who should do the Complete Body Checkup

List of Eligibility Criteria for the Full Body Health Checkup

  • Adults Above 30:This test package is ideal for adults who are above the age of 30. Regular health checkups become more important as you age.
  • People with Family History of Chronic Diseases:If you have a family history of chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, or thyroid issues, you should consider this package for regular monitoring.
  • Individuals with Sedentary Lifestyle:People who have a sedentary lifestyle or a desk job should get these tests done to keep track of their health and catch any potential issues early.

Which tests are included in the Complete Body Checkup?

Full Body Health Checkup includes 17 tests. These include Fasting Blood Sugar Test,Kidney Profile ,HBA1C Test,CBC-Complete Blood Count,Urine Routine Test,Liver Function Tests,Lipid Profile , Thyroid Profile | T4,T4,TSH,Vitamin B12 Test,Blood group Test,ESR Test,Serum Uric Acid Test,Electrolytes Test,HIV Test,Hepatitis B Antigen Test,Vitamin D Test,Serum Calcium Level.

List of tests included in the Preventive Health Checkup

Name How It Helps
Plasma Glucose(Fasting)
Contains 1 tests including : Plasma Glucose(Fasting)
  1. Checks for diabetes
  2. Monitors blood sugar levels
Renal Profile Basic
Contains 4 tests including : Serum Urea,Serum Creatinine with eGFR,Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate,Blood Urea Nitrogen
  1. Checks kidney function
  2. Detects kidney disease
Glycosylated Hemoglobin(HBA1C)
Contains 1 tests including : Glycosylated Hemoglobin(HBA1C)
  1. Monitors long-term blood sugar
  2. Helps in diabetes management
Complete Blood Count with Peripheral Smear
Contains 22 tests including : Hemoglobin,Total RBC Count,Hematocrit,Mean Corpuscular Volume,Mean Corpuscular Hb,Mean Corpuscular Hb Concentration
  1. Checks hemoglobin levels
  2. Detects infections and anemia
Urine Routine (Chemistry & Microscopy : 12 ml )
Contains 21 tests including : Pus Cells,Red Blood Cell,Squamous Epithelial Cells,Transitional Epithelial Cell Count,Renal Tubular Epithelial Cell Count,Casts
  1. Checks for urine infection
  2. Monitors kidney health
Liver Profile
Contains 9 tests including : Direct Bilirubin,Indirect Bilirubin,Total Bilirubin,Serum Aspartate Transaminase(SGOT),Serum Alanine Transaminase(SGPT),Serum Gamma Glutamyl Transferrase
  1. Checks liver function
  2. Detects liver disease
Lipid profile, Mini (Cholesterol-total, HDL, LDL, VLDL, Triglycerides)
Contains 5 tests including : Cholesterol (Total),LDL Cholesterol (Direct),HDL Cholesterol,Very Low Density Lipoproteins,Triglycerides
  1. Checks cholesterol levels
  2. Monitors heart health
Thyroid panel-1 Total (T3, T4, TSH)
Contains 3 tests including : T3-Total or Tri iodothyronine,T4-Total or Thyroxine,TSH-Ultrasensitive (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
  1. Checks thyroid health
  2. Detects thyroid problems
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)
Contains 1 tests including : Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)
  1. Checks for Vitamin B12 deficiency
  2. Prevents nerve damage
Blood group
Contains 1 tests including : Blood group
  1. Identifies blood type
  2. Important for blood transfusions
Contains 1 tests including : ESR
  1. Detects inflammation
  2. Monitors infection
Serum Uric Acid
Contains 1 tests including : Serum Uric Acid
  1. Checks for gout
  2. Monitors kidney health
Contains 3 tests including : Potassium,Chloride,Sodium
  1. Checks salt balance
  2. Monitors body hydration
HIV p24 antigen and HIV-1/2 antibodies
Contains 1 tests including : HIV p24 antigen and HIV-1/2 antibodies
  1. Detects HIV infection
  2. Important for early treatment
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen(HbsAg)
Contains 1 tests including : Hepatitis B Surface Antigen(HbsAg)
  1. Checks for Hepatitis B
  2. Prevents liver damage
Vitamin D (25 Hydroxy Cholecalciferol or 25-OH Vitamin D)
Contains 1 tests including : Vitamin D (25 Hydroxy Cholecalciferol or 25-OH Vitamin D)
  1. Checks for Vitamin D deficiency
  2. Prevents weak bones
Contains 1 tests including : Calcium
  1. Checks bone health
  2. Prevents bone disease

List of symptoms that may mean you need Full Body Health Checkup

If you have any of the following list of symptoms, you should consider getting this test done. Please remember to consult your doctor before proceeding.
  • Frequent Tiredness:Feeling tired and weak all the time, even after resting.
  • Unexplained Weight Changes:Sudden weight loss or gain without any change in diet or exercise habits.
  • Persistent Thirst and Urination:Feeling very thirsty and needing to urinate more often than usual.
  • Digestive Issues:Having problems like stomach pain, bloating, or frequent diarrhea.
  • Skin and Eye Changes:Noticing yellowing of the skin or eyes, or unusual skin rashes.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Results of Complete Body Checkup

Check the list of the following most commonly asked questions about the different tests in the Full Body Health Checkup

  • Why is the Fasting Blood Sugar Test included in the Preventive Health Checkup?

    The Fasting Blood Sugar Test helps to find out if you have high blood sugar, which can be an early sign of diabetes.

  • What does the Kidney Profile Test check for?

    The Kidney Profile Test checks how well your kidneys are working. It can help detect early signs of kidney problems.

  • What is a good HBA1C level?

    HBA1C should be below 5.6%. It gives an average of your blood sugar levels over the past 2-3 months.

  • What does the CBC-Complete Blood Count reveal?

    The CBC test tells you about your hemoglobin, white blood cells, platelets, and if you have any infections or anemia.

  • How does the Urine Routine Test help?

    The Urine Routine Test checks for infections, kidney problems, and other health issues by analyzing your urine sample.

  • Why are Liver Function Tests important?

    Liver Function Tests check how well your liver is working and can detect liver diseases like hepatitis and cirrhosis.

  • What does the Lipid Profile Test check for?

    The Lipid Profile Test measures your cholesterol and triglycerides levels, helping to assess your risk for heart disease.

  • Why is the Thyroid Profile included in the Preventive Health Checkup?

    The Thyroid Profile checks for thyroid hormone levels (T3, T4, TSH) to ensure your thyroid gland is functioning properly.

  • What does the Vitamin B12 Test indicate?

    The Vitamin B12 Test checks for B12 deficiency, which can cause anemia, fatigue, and nerve problems.

  • Why is the Blood Group Test important?

    The Blood Group Test identifies your blood type, which is essential for safe blood transfusions and during pregnancy.

  • What does the ESR Test show?

    The ESR Test measures the rate at which red blood cells settle at the bottom of a test tube. It can indicate inflammation in the body.

  • Why is the Serum Uric Acid Test done?

    The Serum Uric Acid Test checks for high levels of uric acid, which can lead to gout and kidney stones.

  • What does the Electrolytes Test measure?

    The Electrolytes Test measures the levels of essential minerals like sodium, potassium, and chloride, which help in maintaining fluid balance and muscle function.

  • What is the purpose of the HIV Test?

    The HIV Test checks for the presence of HIV antibodies, helping to diagnose HIV infection at an early stage.

  • Why is the Hepatitis B Antigen Test included?

    The Hepatitis B Antigen Test checks for the presence of the hepatitis B virus, which can cause liver infection.

  • What does the Vitamin D Test reveal?

    The Vitamin D Test measures the level of vitamin D in your blood, which is crucial for bone health and immune function.

  • Why is the Serum Calcium Level Test important?

    The Serum Calcium Level Test checks the amount of calcium in your blood, which is important for bone health and muscle function.

How to prepare for the Complete Body Checkup?

Before getting these tests, you should be aware of important pre-test guidelines. These include whether or not to fast, which medicines you can take and what foods to avoid.

The following table illustrates important preparation guidelines for the Full Body Health Checkup

Table of preparation guidelines and pre-test information for Preventive Health Checkup

Precautions Details
At what time should the test be done? The test can be done between 6 am to 9 am in the morning.
Can I eat before the test? No, you need to be fasting for 8-12 hours before the test. Water is allowed, tea without sugar is allowed.
Which medicines can affect the test results? The test results may be affected by medicines like anti-diabetic medicines,oral hypoglycemics,alcohol,certain drugs like acetaminophen,thyroid medications,iodine supplements,proton pump inhibitors (ppis),histamine-2 receptor antagonists (h2ras),medicines for diabetes,diuretics,ace inhibitors,antiviral medications,immunosuppressants. If you are taking these medications, please inform the lab.
Which foods can affect the test results? The test results may be affected by foods like sugary foods. If you have eaten any of these foods, please inform the lab
Other instructions to be followed before the test? ensure proper hygiene and cleanliness while collecting the urine sample.

What is the Procedure of Sample Collection Complete Body Checkup?

The following is a list of the most common questions about procedure of how samples will be collected for Full Body Health Checkup

  • What kind of blood sample will be collected?

    To do these tests, you need to provide a blood sample

  • Where will the blood sample be collected?

    A lab technician will visit your home, or you can visit our nearest lab center in Pune for the AMH Test.

  • How is the blood sample collected?

    The technician will clean your forearm with a spirit swab, and then insert a small needle into the vein

  • How much blood is collected?

    They will draw the blood sample into multiple tubes, upto 2 tubes are required

  • How is the blood sample processed?

    The sample is then taken to the lab and processed using the latest automated analyzers

  • What kind of urine sample will be collected?

    To do these tests, you need to provide a first morning urine sample

  • Where will the urine sample be collected?

    You can visit the lab or collect the sample at home.

  • How is the urine sample collected?

    Clean your external genitalia with a moist cloth or toilet paper. Make sure to pass the initial part of the urine stream into the toilet. Collect the middle of the stream into the container. A minimum of 15-20 ml of urine is required.

  • How much urine is to be collected?

    The tests need 15-20 ml of urine.

  • How is the urine sample to be stored?

    If there is a delay in transporting the sample to the lab, make sure to store it in the fridge at 4-8 degrees celsius.

List of normal ranges of the tests in Complete Body Checkup?

The following list shows the normal ranges of the different tests included in Full Body Health Checkup.

  • Plasma Glucose(Fasting)

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Renal Profile Basic

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Glycosylated Hemoglobin(HBA1C)

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Complete Blood Count with Peripheral Smear

    • Men :
      • Hemoglobin:13-16
      • White Cells:4000-11000
      • Platelets:150000-450000
    • Women :
      • Hemoglobin:12-15
      • White Cells:4000-11000
      • Platelets:150000-450000

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Urine Routine (Chemistry & Microscopy : 12 ml )

    • White Blood Cells:0-4
    • Red Cells:0-4
    • Leucocyte Esterase:Absent

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Liver Profile

    • Men :
      • Direct Bilirubin:0-0.5
      • Indirect Bilirubin:0.1-1.0
      • SGPT:7-55
      • SGOT:8-48
      • Albumin:3.5-5.0
      • Total Protein:6.3-7.9
      • Total Bilirubin:0.1-1.2
      • GGT:8-61
      • Alkaline Phosphatase:40-129
    • Women :
      • Direct Bilirubin:0-0.5
      • Indirect Bilirubin:0.1-1.0
      • SGPT:7-45
      • SGOT:8-43
      • Albumin:3.5-5.0
      • Total Protein:6.3-7.9
      • Total Bilirubin:0.1-1.2
      • GGT:5-36
      • Alkaline Phosphatase:35-104

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Lipid profile, Mini (Cholesterol-total, HDL, LDL, VLDL, Triglycerides)

    • Men :
      • Cholesterol:<200
      • HDL Cholesterol:>40
      • LDL Cholesterol:<100
      • Triglycerides:<150
    • Women :
      • Cholesterol:<200
      • HDL Cholesterol:>50
      • LDL Cholesterol:<100
      • Triglycerides:<150

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Thyroid panel-1 Total (T3, T4, TSH)

    • TSH:0.4-4.0
    • Total T3:0.64-1.52
    • Total T4:4.87-11.72

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Blood group

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • ESR

    • Men : 0.0-15.0
    • Women : 0.0-20.0

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Serum Uric Acid

    • Men : 3.0-7.8
    • Women : 2.7-6.1

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Electrolytes

    • Sodium:136.0-145.0
    • potassium:3.5-5.1
    • cholride:98-107

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • HIV p24 antigen and HIV-1/2 antibodies

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Hepatitis B Surface Antigen(HbsAg)

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Vitamin D (25 Hydroxy Cholecalciferol or 25-OH Vitamin D)

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Calcium

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

How long do the reports take for Preventive Health Checkup?

All the Complete Body Checkup reports will be ready after 1 days..

The table below lists the time taken by individual reports in the Full Body Health Checkup

Table of time taken by different tests in the Preventive Health Checkup

Report Name How Long It Takes
Plasma Glucose(Fasting) 1 days
Renal Profile Basic 1 days
Glycosylated Hemoglobin(HBA1C) 1 days
Complete Blood Count with Peripheral Smear 1 days
Urine Routine (Chemistry & Microscopy : 12 ml ) 1 days
Liver Profile 1 days
Lipid profile, Mini (Cholesterol-total, HDL, LDL, VLDL, Triglycerides) 1 days
Thyroid panel-1 Total (T3, T4, TSH) 1 days
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) 1 days
Blood group 1 days
ESR 1 days
Serum Uric Acid 1 days
Electrolytes 1 days
HIV p24 antigen and HIV-1/2 antibodies 1 days
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen(HbsAg) 1 days
Vitamin D (25 Hydroxy Cholecalciferol or 25-OH Vitamin D) 1 days
Calcium 1 days

How to Book Complete Body Checkup in Pune?

Book the Full Body Health Checkup test in Pune, online, through watsapp or by calling the lab reception, with Pathofast Lab. Pathofast is the best lab in Pune, for Preventive Health Checkup.

List of Steps for Booking Complete Body Checkup online in Pune

Enter your mobile number

Create An Account

Fill in the Patient details

Choose time and date for sample collection

Pay to Confirm

List of Steps for Booking Full Body Health Checkup through Watsapp in Pune

Click Here to open a watsapp chat with our chatbot.

Click on 'Continue Booking'

Share your location by clicking on the watsapp location pin

A lab representative calls you within 24 hours

List of Steps for Booking Preventive Health Checkup on Phone

Click Here to call the lab.

Provide your information to the lab reception

Check your SMS for the confirmation link

Use the link to pay online

Finding a lab for Complete Body Checkup in Pune, near you

Pathofast Lab in Pune,Camp is centrally located and offers home sample collection services for Full Body Health Checkup in Pune. Home pickup is available in various areas

How to find the nearest center for Preventive Health Checkup in Pune?

Visit our center listed above or check the Center Locator

Table of locations in Pune for Complete Body Checkup with prices

The following table lists areas in Pune, where home sample collection is available for Full Body Health Checkup. Prices charged for home visit are also listed, together with final rate for Preventive Health Checkup in that area.
Area/Locality in Pune Home Sample Facility Transport Charges Total Cost
Jangli Maharaj Nagar Available 100 INR 4099.0 INR
Ravet Available 200 INR 4199.0 INR
Viman Nagar Available 150 INR 4149.0 INR
Shastrinagar, Yerawada Available 100 INR 4099.0 INR
NIBM Undri Road, Kondhwa Available 100 INR 4099.0 INR
Camp Available 0 INR 3999.0 INR
Aundh Available 200 INR 4199.0 INR
Baner Available 200 INR 4199.0 INR
Dattwadi Available 200 INR 4199.0 INR
Undri Available 200 INR 4199.0 INR
Pimpri-Chinchwad Available 200 INR 4199.0 INR
Kalyani Nagar Available 50 INR 4049.0 INR
Koregaon Park Available 50 INR 4049.0 INR
Sadashiv Peth Available 100 INR 4099.0 INR

Patient Reviews

If you are planning to get the Complete Body Checkup in Pune, make sure to read our patient reviews below.
  • Best Lab in Pune(5/5)

    Quick and accurate full body checkup in Kothrud.- Ravi P.

  • Top-notch Service(5/5)

    Fast report delivery for health checkup in Koregaon Park.- Sneha M.

  • Hygienic and Professional(5/5)

    Clean lab and polite staff in Hadapsar.- Rajesh T.

  • Highly Recommend(5/5)

    Detailed health checkup reports, very efficient service in Baner.- Priya S.

  • Quick and Reliable(5/5)

    Got my full body checkup done quickly in Pimple Saudagar.- Vikas K.

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