PCOD Profile - Understanding Polycystic Ovarian Disease and its Diagnosis

  • What is Polycystic Ovarian Disease?

    Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) is a condition seen in adult women. Women with this condition have missed periods, irregular periods, weight gain and facial hair growth. In PCOD, women show multiple small cysts in their ovaries and often also have infertility.

  • How is Polycystic Ovarian Disease diagnosed?

    Diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Disease can only be diagnosed by a gynecologist. Blood test and Scans can help to confirm the diagnosis. As per guidelines, the diorder is only confirmed by Ultrasound of the Ovaries in which small cysts will be seen. Blood Tests for hormones are required to support the diagnosis. The following table lists the main points on which the diagnosis is done.

    Criteria Meaning
    Irregular/Missed Periods You have missed periods, or you do not ovulate at all.
    Signs of Increased Testosterone You have excessive facial hair, hair on the upper lip, male pattern balding, weight gain, high blood sugar.
    Cysts in Ovaries You have multiple small cysts in the ovaries, that are detected on Ultrasound scans

  • When should testing be done for Polycystic Ovarian Disease?

    Testing for Polycystic Ovarian Disease can be done at any time, but the preferred time is between day 2-5 of your menstrual cycle. The tests should only be done by women who have attained puberty and menses. The tests may not be done during pregnancy.

  • How is Polycystic Ovarian Disease treated?

    Treatment for Polycystic Ovarian Disease focuses on managing symptoms and may include lifestyle changes, such as weight loss and exercise. Other treatment options are available including hormonal adjustments and others.

Do this panel of tests if you have any of the following symptoms :

  • Irregular Periods

    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome shows missing periods, or lack of regular cycles.

  • Excessive hair growth

    Hair on face, chest, back and arms is seen in PCOS. Male pattern balding may also be seen in extreme cases. This is one of the signs to get tested

  • Weight gain or difficulty losing weight

    Weight gain on the hips or lower waist and difficulty to loose this weight is another important sign that may mean you need a PCOD panel test.

  • Acne or oily skin

    Acne, pimples and oily skin despite adequate hygiene may mean you need a PCOD profile test to rule out PCOS.

  • Infertility, with no abnormalities in the male partner

    Difficulty getting pregnant may be one of the presenting signs of PCOS. The PCOD test for hormones may help in such cases.

List of tests included in the PCOD Test

Name How It Helps
Contains 1 tests including : Prolactin
  1. Prolactin is a hormone secreted from the brain and it is commonly higher than normal in PCOD patients. Prolactin test measures its level.
Glycosylated Hemoglobin(HBA1C)
Contains 1 tests including : Glycosylated Hemoglobin(HBA1C)
  1. Checks your average blood sugar level over the past 2-3 months - this is commonly higher than normal in PCOD patients.
Complete Blood Count with Peripheral Smear
Contains 22 tests including : Hemoglobin,Total RBC Count,Hematocrit,Mean Corpuscular Volume,Mean Corpuscular Hb,Mean Corpuscular Hb Concentration
  1. This test is aimed at assessing your overall health, and does not directly diagnose PCOS.
  2. Checks for infections and allergies
Contains 1 tests including : Total Testosterone
  1. Higher levels of testosterone may be seen in Polycystic Ovarian Disorder and this test measures the levels of total testosterone, which is abnormal in women.
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)
Contains 1 tests including : FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)
  1. Fertility hormone whose level may be abnormal in case of PCOD.
LH (Leutinising Hormone)
Contains 1 tests including : LH (Leutinising Hormone)
  1. Checks the level of the hormone necessary for the egg to be released by the ovaries.
HOMA IR index (Insulin, Glucose fasting test)
Contains 2 tests including : Plasma Glucose(Fasting),Insulin
  1. Checks if the body is not handling sugar correctly, also measures insulin.
Renal Profile Basic
Contains 4 tests including : Serum Urea,Serum Creatinine,Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate,Blood Urea Nitrogen
  1. Checks general kidney health
LDL Cholesterol (Direct)
Contains 1 tests including : LDL Cholesterol (Direct)
  1. High level of bad cholesterol is detected by this test
Urine Routine (Chemistry & Microscopy : 12 ml )
Contains 21 tests including : Pus Cells,Red Blood Cell,Squamous Epithelial Cells,Transitional Epithelial Cell Count,Renal Tubular Epithelial Cell Count,Casts
  1. Checks for urine infection and general health. Does not directly diagnose PCOS.
LH / FSH Ratio
Contains 1 tests including : LH / FSH Ratio
  1. Ratio is critical for normal fertility and mesntrual cycles. This ratio is a must to check PCOS. It is calculated by dividing value of the previously two mentioned tests - FSH and LH.

List of Eligibility Criteria for the PCOD Panel Test

  • Adult Women

    This test package is only applicable for women, who have already attained puberty and are actively menstruating.

  • Minimum Age

    PCOD Test panel requires a minimum age of 18 years for women who want to get tested. Girls below this age may get tested, only on prescription from their doctor.

  • You must not be pregnant

    This package of tests can only be done on women who are not currently pregnant. Pregnancy changes all the values of the tests in this pacakge and as such they cannot be interpreted in case of pregnancy.


  • What is the cost of PCOD Test in Pune?

    The cost of PCOD Panel Test in Pune is Rs. 3499.0, at Pathofast Lab.

  • What type of sample is necessary for PCOD Test?

    PCOD Profile test needs Blood Sample and Urine Sample

  • In how much time will the reports be ready for PCOD Panel Test?

    All the PCOD Test reports will be ready after 1 days.

  • What are the normal ranges for different tests in the PCOD Profile test?

    Please refer to the table of Normal Ranges below.

  • Is home sample collection available for PCOD Panel Test?

    Yes, home sample collection is available for PCOD Test various areas of Pune.

How to prepare for the PCOD Test?

Before getting these tests, you should be aware of important pre-test guidelines. These include whether or not to fast, which medicines you can take and what foods to avoid.

The following table illustrates important preparation guidelines for the PCOD Blood Test

Table of preparation guidelines and pre-test information for PCOD Test

Precautions Details
At what time should the test be done? The test can be done between 6 am to 9 am in the morning.
Can I eat before the test? No, you need to be fasting for 8-12 hours before the test. Water is allowed, tea without sugar is allowed.
Which medicines can affect the test results? The test results may be affected by medicines like dopamine antagonists,estrogens,verapamil,oral contraceptives,anti-thyroid medications,biotin supplements. If you are taking these medications, please inform the lab.
Which foods can affect the test results? These tests are not affected by foods.
Other instructions to be followed before the test? avoid sexual activity,nipple stimulation for 12 hours before the test. wake up around 6 am on the day of the test. make sure to be awake for 2 hours prior to giving the sample.,ensure proper hygiene and cleanliness while collecting the urine sample.

List of normal ranges of the tests in PCOD Test?

The following list shows the normal ranges of the different tests included in PCOD Panel Test.

  • HOMA IR index (Insulin, Glucose fasting test)

    • Men : 2.25-2.45
    • Women : 1.95-2.15

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • LH / FSH Ratio

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Prolactin

    • Men : 2.0-18.0
    • Women : 2.0-30.0

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Glycosylated Hemoglobin(HBA1C)

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Complete Blood Count with Peripheral Smear

    • Men :
      • Hemoglobin:13-16
      • White Cells:4000-11000
      • Platelets:150000-450000
    • Women :
      • Hemoglobin:12-15
      • White Cells:4000-11000
      • Platelets:150000-450000

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)

    • Men : 1.3-8.4
    • Women : 4.7-21.5

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • LH (Leutinising Hormone)

    • Men : 1.42-15.4
    • Women : 5.3-65.4

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Renal Profile Basic

    • Men :
      • Blood Urea Nitrogen:8-24
      • Creatinine:0.7-1.2
      • Serum Urea:17.12-51.36
    • Women :
      • Blood Urea Nitrogen:6-21
      • Creatinine:0.6-0.9
      • Serum Urea:12.84-44.94

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • Urine Routine (Chemistry & Microscopy : 12 ml )

    • White Blood Cells:0-4
    • Red Cells:0-4
    • Leucocyte Esterase:Absent

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

  • TSH-Ultrasensitive (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)

    Please view the detailed list of ranges at Here

How long do the reports take for PCOD Test?

All the PCOD Blood Test reports will be ready after 1 days..

The table below lists the time taken by individual reports in the PCOD Profile blood test

Table of time taken by different tests in the PCOD Profile test

Report Name How Long It Takes
Prolactin 1 days
Glycosylated Hemoglobin(HBA1C) 1 days
Complete Blood Count with Peripheral Smear 1 days
Testosterone 1 days
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) 1 days
LH (Leutinising Hormone) 1 days
HOMA IR index (Insulin, Glucose fasting test) 1 days
Renal Profile Basic 1 days
LDL Cholesterol (Direct) 1 days
Urine Routine (Chemistry & Microscopy : 12 ml ) 1 days
LH / FSH Ratio 1 days

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have Polycystic Ovarian Disease your body will produce high levels of androgens(hormones that are normally present at very low levels in females). These hormones cause hair overgrowth, like that seen in men - on your upper lip, back and arms. You will also have missed periods or irregular cycles.

Hypothyroidism or low thyroid levels can mimic PCOD. It is one of the most common disorders which can be confused for PCOD. We included the thyroid test to rule out a thyroid disorder.

The prolactin level does not diagnose PCOD. It is included to rule out high prolactin levels - which can also mimic PCOD. Prolactin levels can cause missed cycles, and infertility. Many PCOD patients have high prolactin levels, but sometimes this prolactin may also be raised due to a tumor in the brain.

In PCOD, there is an increased level of LH(Leutinizing Hormone). This causes an increased ratio of LH/FSH. This change in the LH/FSH ratio adds to the evidence in support of PCOD.

Testosterone levels are increased in PCOD. They help to confirm the diagnosis of PCOD.

Obesity is present in nearly 70% of patients of PCOD. It is one of the reasons that can cause PCOD in women who are genetically predisposed. It also causes a worsening of the symptoms of PCOD. For this reason we have included the LDL Cholesterol test to measure your cholesterol levels.

Insulin is the hormone that normally helps our body to control sugar. Hyperinsulinism is when the insulin levels are higher than normal. This happens because the body does not respond to insulin, and so it makes more insulin. HOMA Index which measures both sugar and insulin levels helps to measure the degree of hyperinsulinism and insulin resistance.

These tests help evaluate your general health and rule out other causes for your symptoms.

No PCOD blood test will not tell you if you are pregnant.

No, this PCOD panel test does not measure ovarian reserve. The test for ovarian reserve is the AMH test.

Blood tests are not diagnostic of PCOD/PCOS. To diagnose PCOD, elevated androgens, cysts in ovary and/or irregular cycles must be detected.

The PCOD Panel Test helps to evaluate various factors associated with PCOD. A diagnosis of PCOD is made based on a combination of clinical symptoms, medical history, and test results.

PCOD stands for Polycystic Ovarian Disease.

There is no difference between these conditions. PCOD or polycystic ovarian disease is an older term for PCOS or polycstic ovarian syndrome.

Why Choose Pathofast for PCOD Profile

Pathofast Lab in Pune, is the best lab in Pune for accurate and reliable blood tests. Our lab is located conveniently in the center of Pune and we also offer home sample collection for the PCOD Profile in various areas of Pune.

You can be assured of quality service and timely and accurate reports

Home Sample Collection is Available for PCOD Profile at the following locations in Pune :

  • Jangli Maharaj Nagar
  • Ravet
  • Viman Nagar
  • Shastrinagar, Yerawada
  • NIBM Undri Road, Kondhwa
  • Camp
  • Aundh
  • Baner
  • Dattwadi
  • Undri
  • Pimpri-Chinchwad
  • Kalyani Nagar
  • Koregaon Park
  • Sadashiv Peth